Flex Offers

What are Flex Offers?

A Flex Offer is a multi-month Forward Market Order. The buyer specifies an amount of product to be purchased as well as a sequential month range for which they can pull product.

For example, a buyer can purchase 210,000 gallons of Conv 92 Prem that can be lifted between the months of April through September without specifying an exact schedule of dates or quantities of when gallons will be pulled. The entire order will then be charged at the highest future price of the months in the selected range.

This can be beneficial when the buyer needs flexibility as to when they can pick up product. Flex Offers only has Market Orders, and Bids are not accepted.

NOTE: Not all Sellers provide Flex Offers.


Flex Offers tasks

Set your filters

Location:  Buyer  >  Flex Offers/Orders  >  Flex Offers

Here’s how to edit a view:

  1. Find the items you want to narrow down in State, City, Terminals, Product Class, Products, Seller, and Offer Type.

  2. Your view updates automatically.

Creating a Flex Market Order

Location:  Buyer  >  Flex Offers/Orders  >  Flex Offers

Here’s how to create a Flex Market Order:

  1. Find the Product/Terminal/Seller combination you wish to place a Flex Offer.

  2. Click Order. Available months are indicated by the Available section. You can not place an order for unavailable months.

  3. Select the boxes in the Start/End section to indicate when you want the offer to start and end. The boxes become blue when selected.

  4. Enter the Volume you want to pick up over the course of the months selected.

  5. Click Send.

Flex Trade Report overview

The Trade Report tab displays any trades for the specified terminal, product, and seller, and for the specified date range. You are able to export this table to a .csv file.

Field Description
Seller Filter Displays only those sellers in your Active Sellers List (as defined through the Seller Request page). Select multiple sellers by holding down the CTRL key while making your selections. This field defaults to All Sellers. This automatically displays information from all sellers for the selected product(s) at the specified location(s). If you have already selected a state, city, terminal, product class, and/or product, the Seller field displays only those sellers that correspond to your database filter selections. NOTE: Not all active sellers may be listed in this field. In some cases, a seller may be active but may not have any current offers in DTN Exchange system. Active sellers can be viewed through the Seller Request page.
Start Date/ End Date Provides a date/time range for the display. If a trade occurred during the specified date/time range, it is displayed in the Trade Activity for Selected Period pane.
Go Activates the search for trades that match the selected filter criteria for terminal, product, seller, and date/time range.
Export Exports the trade report to an .csv file.
Id Contains the unique identifier for the trade.
Status Indicates the trade has a Match status whether by the seller or automatically.
Seller Provides the seller to which the trade is attached.
Terminal Identifies the terminal to which the trade is attached.
Product Indicates the product to which the trade is attached.
Date Displays when the Flex Market Order was placed.
Price Provides the price at which the trade occurred.
Volume Indicates the total quantity of product (in gallons) attached to the trade.
Start Shows the month and year for the start of the Flex Offer.
End Shows the month and year for the end of the Flex Offer.

Flex Trade Report interface


Field Description
Seller Filter Displays only those sellers in your Active Sellers List (as defined through the Seller Request page). Select multiple sellers by holding down the CTRL key while making your selections. This field defaults to All Sellers.

This automatically displays information from all sellers for the selected product(s) at the specified location(s).

If you have already selected a state, city, terminal, product class, and/or product, the Seller field displays only those sellers that correspond to your database filter selections.

NOTE:  Not all active sellers may be listed in this field. In some cases, a seller may be active but may not have any current offers in DTN Exchange system. Active sellers can be viewed through the Seller Request page.

Start Date/ End Date Provides a date/time range for the display. If a trade occurred during the specified date/time range, it is displayed in the Trade Activity for Selected Period pane.
Go Activates the search for trades that match the selected filter criteria for terminal, product, seller, and date/time range.
Export Exports the trade report to an .csv file.
Id Contains the unique identifier for the trade.
Status Indicates the trade has a Match status whether by the seller or automatically.
Seller Provides the seller to which the trade is attached.
Terminal Identifies the terminal to which the trade is attached.
Product Indicates the product to which the trade is attached.
Date Displays when the Flex Market Order was placed.
Price Provides the price at which the trade occurred.
Volume Indicates the total quantity of product (in gallons) attached to the trade.
Start Shows the month and year for the start of the Flex Offer.
End Shows the month and year for the end of the Flex Offer.


Flex Trade Report tasks

Export a Flex Offer report

Location:  Buyer  >  Flex Trade Summary  >  Trade Report

Here’s how to export a Flex Offer report:

  1. In the Trade Report tab, select the filter criteria you want.

  2. Click Go. The page displays any bids or trades matching the search criteria.

  3. Click Export and follow the prompts to export the displayed information.


Field Description
Seller Filter Displays only those sellers in your Active Sellers List (as defined through the Seller Request page). Select multiple sellers by holding down the CTRL key while making your selections. This field defaults to All Sellers. This automatically displays information from all sellers for the selected product(s) at the specified location(s). If you have already selected a state, city, terminal, product class, and/or product, the Seller field displays only those sellers that correspond to your database filter selections. NOTE:  Not all active sellers may be listed in this field. In some cases, a seller may be active but may not have any current offers in DTN Exchange system. Active sellers can be viewed through the Seller Request page.
Start Date/ End Date Provides a date/time range for the display. If a trade occurred during the specified date/time range, it is displayed in the Trade Activity for Selected Period pane.
Go Activates the search for trades that match the selected filter criteria for terminal, product, seller, and date/time range.
Export Exports the trade report to an .csv file.
Id Contains the unique identifier for the trade.
Status Indicates the trade has a Match status whether by the seller or automatically.
Seller Provides the seller to which the trade is attached.
Terminal Identifies the terminal to which the trade is attached.
Product Indicates the product to which the trade is attached.
Date Displays when the Flex Market Order was placed.
Price Provides the price at which the trade occurred.
Volume Indicates the total quantity of product (in gallons) attached to the trade.
Start Shows the month and year for the start of the Flex Offer.
End Shows the month and year for the end of the Flex Offer.
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