With our Online Account Management Portal you can add or remove services from your account at any time 24/7.

Visit https://myaccount.dtn.com to login using your DTN.IQ/IQFeed username and password/PIN

What can you do in the Online Account Management Portal?

  • Add Exchanges
  • Add Premium Services
  • Update your billing information
  • Pay an invoice
  • View and print current or past invoices
  • Change your password
  • Remove services/exchanges
  • Cancel your account

My Account

The Customer Information Page will display all your contact information, as well as allowing the user to update that information by clicking on the Edit button.

The Order History page displays what services or orders have been requested.

Users can change their password by using the Change password page.

Billing Information

The Billing Summary will display Account Balances, Last Payment and any Open Invoices.

The Pay Now page allows the user to pay any invoices that are currently open or outstanding on their account.

The AutoPay Billing Options is automatically turned on for all DTN IQFeed users when they sign up.

The Manage Credit Card page allows users to update the credit card that is on file.

Users can see a summary of past invoices going back 12 months. By clicking on the Invoice number, the user can download a .pdf of the complete invoice.


If you need to talk to a Billing Representative:

Telephone: (800) 837-0708 (Option 1)

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday thru Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT

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