
Terminal Groups overview

NOTE:  The Terminal Groups screen is used for setting up prompt offers only, not forward offers.

The Terminal Groups screen lets you group terminals so that you can set up pricing rules for that group. Each terminal with which you wish to make prompt trades based on markets other than posted prices must be assigned to a terminal group, even if there is only one terminal in the group. You also use the Terminal Groups screen to remove terminals from a group and delete a terminal group all together.

When you create and apply pricing rule to a terminal group, that pricing rule is automatically applied to all the terminals in the group.

In general, we recommend you group terminals according to your pricing rules. That is,terminals that will have the same pricing should be grouped together into a terminal group.

After you set up a terminal group, you’ll want to do the following:

  1. Add products to each terminal through the Setup/Administer > Products At Terminals page.

  2. Set inventory levels and minimum quantity orders for each product at each terminal through the Volume Management > Inventory page.

  3. Add group pricing through the Pricing > Group Pricing page.

  4. Activate partner buyers through the Setup/Administer > Buyer Setup page.

  5. Assign terminals and products to a buyer through the Setup/Administer > Buyer Setup page.

  6. Authorize a buyer to receive prompt and/or forward offers through the Setup/Administer > Buyer Setup page.

Definitions for Terminal Groups

Select Terminal Group The unique, identifying name for the group of terminals. Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal group.
States Use the drop-down menu to view Available Terminals within a selected state.
Lists the terminals in your DTN Exchange database.
Authorized Terminals Lists the terminals assigned to the selected terminal group.

Terminal Groups tasks

Add a Terminal Group name

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terminal Groups

  1. Click New.

  2. In the Terminal Groups field, enter a new name.

NOTE:  Do not use punctuation.

  1. Click Add. A screen message indicates if the new group name was successfully saved.

After this step is complete, you can add terminals to the terminal group.

Change a Terminal Group name

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terminal Groups

  1. Use the Terminal Group menu to select the terminal group whose name you want to change.

  2. Click Change Name.

  3. Change the name as desired. Do not use punctuation.

  4. Click Change. A screen message indicates if the change was successful.

Add Terminals to a Terminal Group

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terminal Groups

  1. Use the Terminal Group menu to select the terminal group to which you want to add terminals.

  2. Use the States menu if you want to specific a state in which the terminals are located.

  3. In the Available Terminals column, click the terminals you want to authorize to the new group. The terminals are added to the Authorized Terminals column as soon as you click them.

  4. Click Save.

Remove Terminals from a Terminal Group

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terminal Groups

NOTE:  Make sure all buyers have been removed from a terminal from the Buyer Setup page and all offers have been inactivated from the Inventory page prior to removing a terminal.

  1. Use the Terminal Group menu to select the terminal group from which you want to remove terminals.

  2. In the Authorized Terminals, click the terminals you want to remove from the group. The terminals are removed from the Authorized Terminals column as soon as you click them.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a Terminal Group

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terminal Groups

NOTE:  You must first remove all the authorized terminals (outlined above) from the group before you can delete a terminal group.

  1. Use the Terminal Group menu to select the terminal group you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete. A message indicate if the deletion was successful.

Products At Terminals overview

The Products At Terminals screen lets you specify the products that you sell at each of your terminals. If you don’t assign a product to terminal, you are not able to create offers for the product at that terminal.

Once you assign a product to a terminal, an inactive prompt offer for that product is automatically generated. To activate the offer, you must go the Inventory screen, establish an inventory level, and change the status from inactive to active.

You must first authorize the product class to which the product belongs from the Setup/Administer > Product Class Setup page before you can assign products to a terminal. You can then use the Products At Terminals screen to assign products to a terminal. You can also use the Products At Terminals screen to remove products from a terminal. If there is an active bid or offer tied to a product at the terminal, you must first inactivate the bid/offer through the Inventory screen before you can remove the product.

Definitions for Products At Terminals



Terminals Lists the terminals in your DTN Exchange database. Terminals are listed in alphabetical order by state abbreviation. Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal.
Available Products

at This Terminal

Lists the products that are available at the selected terminal, according to DTN FastRacks information.
Your Products

at This Terminal

List the products that you have authorized for sale at the selected terminal.


Products at Terminals tasks

Add Products to a Terminal

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Products At Terminals

  1. Use the Terminals menu to select the terminal you want.

  2. In the Available Products column, click a product you want to authorize for the terminal. The selected product moves to the Your Products at this Terminal column as soon as you click it.

  3. Repeat Step 2 to add additional products.

  4. Click Save.

Remove Products from a Terminal

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Products At Terminals

NOTE:  If there is an active bid or offer tied to a product at the terminal, you must first inactivate the bid/offer through the Inventory screen before you can remove the product.

  1. Use the Terminals  menu to select the terminal you want.

  2. In the Your Products at This Terminal column, click the product you want to remove from this terminal. The selected product is removed as soon as you select it.

  3. Repeat Step 2 to remove additional products.

  4. Click Save.

Buyer Setup overview

The Buyer Setup screen lets you authorize partner buyers to whom you want to extend trade offers. These can be buyers that you’ve asked us to add to your DTN Exchange® system. Or it may be pending partners, which are buyers who have requested to make trades with you.

You can also use this screen to configure which terminals and for which products each buyer sees offers, and to authorize buyers to see prompt offers only, forward offers only, or both.

We are responsible for adding new buyers to the DTN Exchange. You are responsible for activating the buyer once we add the buyer.

Adding a Buyer

If a seller wants to add a new partner buyer, the seller must do the following:

  1. Send a written request to us by email. The request should include the products and terminals to be authorized for the new partner buyer.

  2. We retain the written authorization from the seller and initiate the required action as follows:

  3. If the buyer is registered on the DTN Exchange®: We authorize the buyer for the seller specified products and terminals. The usual time frame to complete authorization is 2-3 business days.

  4. If the buyer is not registered on the DTN Exchange: The buyer is asked to register and sign the Buyers Agreement. We then authorize the buyer to purchase products from seller. The usual time frame to complete this authorization is 2-5 business days. New buyers need to be trained on the system before they can make purchases. We provide this training.

If a buyer registers online and makes a request to purchase products from a specific seller over the DTN Exchange:

  1. We contact the requested seller and ask if the seller wishes to authorize the buyer.

  2. If the Seller wants to authorize the Buyer, we complete the authorization.

  3. After each new buyer addition, we ask the seller to verify the new list of buyers.

Definitions for Buyer Setup

Here are the different tabs on the Buyer Setup page:



Authorize Allows you to view your active and pending partners. You can also set locations, products, offer types, and prompt discounts for your active partners.
Group View Authorization Group Views lets you view authorizations by buyer, terminal, or product. For example, you can see all the terminals where Premium 93 is authorized for sale or all the terminals where Buyer ABC is authorized to lift product.
Login Report The Customer Login Report helps you see which of your buyers are most active on the DTN Exchange. You can specify a date or range of dates along with a specific buyer, or you can view information for all your buyers. The report displays the buyer organization along with the name of the user and the date the user logged in to the DTN Exchange.
Buyer Prod/Term See a view of all of your buyers and their product/terminal authorization.
Buyer Users View which specific users are established under each of your buyers.
UnAuthorize Use this tab to view or activate your inactive or rejected buyers.

Definitions for Buyer Setup – Authorize

Here are the different fields on the Buyer Setup Authorize section:



Your Activated Partners A list of your activated buying partners.
Locations Use to authorize terminal locations for a selected activated partner.
Products Use to authorize products for a selected activated partner.
Offer Types Use to authorize prompt, forward, or both offer types for the buyer. The buyer will see only those offer types that are selected here.
Contact Info Click to see contact information for the selected activated partner.
Deactivate Use to deactivate a partner.
Your Pending Partners Lists potential buyer partners who have requested to be added to your authorized buyer partners list. Also lists buyer partners who you have suspended from making trades.
Buyer Name The name of the buyer.
Current Status Indicates the current trading status of the buyer. Options are active, suspended, and inactive.
Activate Use to activate a pending or deactivated partner.
Reject Use to reject a pending partner.

Buyer Setup tasks

Activate a Pending Buyer

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. From the Authorize tab within the Your Pending Partners table, select the buyer you want to activate.

  2. Click Activate. The selected buyer is added to the Your Activated Partners pane.

Reject a Pending Buyer

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. From the Authorize tab within the Your Pending Partners table, select the buyer you want to activate.

  1. From the Authorize tab within the Your Pending Partners table, select the buyer you want to reject.

  2. Click Reject. The current status for the selected buyer is changed to Rejected and is moved to the UnAuthorized tab.

Deactivate a Buyer

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. In the Your Activated Partners pane, click the buyer you want to deactivate.

  2. Click Deactivate. The buyer is moved to the UnAuthorized tab. You can reactivate them at any time.

Add Terminals to a Buyer

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. In the Your Activated Partners pane, select the partner you want.

  2. Click Locations. The screen displays Available and Authorized Terminals.

  3. In the Available Terminals pane, select a terminal you want to authorize. The selected terminal moves to the Authorized Terminals pane.

  4. Repeat Step 3 to authorize additional terminals.

  5. Click Update.

To remove a terminal from a buyer, select the terminal in the Authorized Terminals pane and click Update.

Add Products to a Buyer

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. In the Your Activated Partners pane, select the buyer you want.

  2. Click Products. The screen displays Available and Authorized Products.

  3. In the Available Products pane, select a product you want to authorize. The selected product is moved to the Authorized Products pane.

  4. Repeat Step 3 to authorize additional products.

  5. Click Update.

To remove a product from a buyer, select the terminal in the Authorized Products pane and click Update.

Add Offer Type to a Buyer

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. In the Your Activated Partners pane, select the buyer you want.

  2. Click Offer Types. The screen displays Authorized Offer Types.

  3. Next to the offer type(s) you want, click the checkbox.

  4. Click Update.

To remove an Offer Type from a buyer, deselect the checkbox next to the offer type and click Update.

Authorize a Buyer for Prompt Discounts

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Authorize

  1. In the Your Activated Partners pane, select the buyer you want.

  2. Click Prompt Discounts. The screen displays Customer Prompt Discounts.

  3. Select the checkbox next to Authorized for Customer Prompt Discounts.

  4. Click Update.

To unauthorize a Buyer from Prompt Discounts, deselect the checkbox and click Update.

Use Authorization Group Views

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Group View

Here’s how Authorization Group Views work:

  1. When you select the Group View tab, Authorization Group View opens. You can use this screen to select the category that you want to look up first. Options are: BuyersTerminals, and Products.

  2. Select the available options for BuyerTerminal, or Product.

  3. Select the SHOW THE button. The system generates a list of all your buyers, terminals, or products.

    1. Export the list by clicking Export, or you can select a specific buyer, terminal, or product.

    2. You can use the Options menu to pick a sub category for your authorization group view.

View a Login Report

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Login Report

  1. Select the Login Report tab.

  2. Enter a Start Date and an End Date for the report.

  3. In the Buyer Organization field, enter the name of the buyer. If you leave it blank, the system displays all buyer organizations in your DTN Exchange system that logged in during the specified date range.

  4. Click Submit. The report displays below.

To return to Buyer Setup, click the Authorize tab.

View the Buyer Authorized Products and Terminals report

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Buyer Prod/Term

  1. Select the Buyer Prod/Term tab.

  2. Choose your filters (Terminal Groups, Terminals, Product Class, Products, and Buyer) and select Go.

  3. Your report displays below. You can export the list by selecting Export.

View the Buyer User Setup report

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Buyer Setup  >  Buyer Users

  1. Select the Buyer Users tab.

  2. Choose the Buyer select Go.

  3. Your report displays below. You can export the list by selecting Export.

Terms Setup overview

The Terms Setup screen lets you view terms and conditions for products traded through the DTN Exchange. Terms are provided for both Prompt and Forward Offers, and may be viewed by clicking the respective tab for the type of offer/terms you want. If you have set unique terms and conditions with your partner buyers, you can use this screen to enter text to that effect. The text will appear on to the trade match confirmation email that is sent to the buyer. You can also enter special text that you would like to appear on the email notifications you receive from the DTN Exchange when a trade occurs.

The terms and conditions displayed on this screen are the same as those agreed upon in the DTN Exchange Seller Agreement. The DTN Exchange matches trades based on these terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions already in the DTN Exchange are not intended to replace any previous contracts you have with your partner buyers. All buyer and seller relationships are governed first by any prior contract set up between the buyer and seller, and then by the DTN Exchange rules, terms and conditions.

About Prompt Terms

For prompt offers, DTN has defined lifting terms along with minimum and maximum quantity ranges to which those terms apply. DTN terms are as follows:

Minimum Quantity
Maximum Quantity
Lifting Terms
0 41999 Today + 1 Day
42000 125999 Today + 6 Days
126000 209999 Today + 6 Days
210000 10000000 Today + 9 Days

Spread Products

DTN Exchange rules allow for spread products associated with base gasoline and diesel or distillate contracts (e.g. 89, 91, 93, #1, #2HS) to be lifted in association with the purchase of a “Base” product contract when and where available by supplier. Spread product(s) can constitute up to 40% of the contract purchased. If the buyer requires more than a 40% ratio of a spread product(s), the buyer must purchase these products under a separate contract representing the specific product desired. For example: If a 42,000 NL contract is purchased, up to 16,800 gallons of mid-grade(s) and\or premium(s) may be lifted as part of the contract fulfillment.

Seller-Defined Terms

If you have set unique terms and conditions for prompt offers with your partner buyers, you can use this screen to enter text to that effect. The text appears on the trade match confirmation email that is sent to the buyer.

You can also enter special text that you would like to appear on the email notifications you receive from the DTN Exchange when a trade occurs.

About Forward Terms

DTN has defined lifting terms for forward offers along with minimum and maximum quantity ranges to which those terms apply. Forward terms are as follows:

Gasoline and Distillates

Type of Forward Contract
Lifting Period Allowed
Fwd Purchase Contract By Last Day of Contract Month
Strip Contract By Last Day of Final Contract Month
Heat Curve Contract By Last Day of Final Contract Month

Ethanol Products

Type of Forward Contract
Lifting Period Allowed
Fwd Purchase Contract By Last Day of Contract Month
Strip Contract By Last Day of Final Contract Month

DTN Exchange Rules

DTN Exchange rules allow for “gasoline and distillate spread products” (such as, 89, 91, 93, #1, #2 HS) to be lifted as part of the fulfillment of a futures contract volume requirement when and where the supplier makes spread product available for this purpose. Spread product(s) can constitute up to 40% of the contract purchased. If the buyer requires more than a 40% ratio of a spread product(s), the buyer must purchase these products under a separate contract representing the specific contract desired. For example, if a 42,000 NL forward contract is purchased up to 16,800 gallons of mid-grade(s) and/or premium(s) may be lifted as part of the contract fulfillment.

Seller Defined Terms

If you have set unique forward terms and conditions with your partner buyers, you can use this screen to enter text to that effect. The text will appear on the trade match confirmation email that is sent to the buyer.

You can also enter special text that you would like to appear on the email notifications you receive from the DTN Exchange when a trade occurs.


Terms Setup tasks

Set Prompt Terms

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terms Setup

NOTE:  If you want your buyers to see both DTN terms and your terms, leave the Override DTN Terms selection box blank and enter your terms in the Buyer Trade Notification box.

If you want special terms to appear on your Seller documents, enter that text in the Seller Trade Notification box and click the corresponding selection box.

  1. From the Prompt Terms tab, if you want to allow spread products to be lifted on a base product contract, click Yes; otherwise, leave as No.

  2. Select Override DTN terms?.

  3. In the Buyer Trade Notification text box, enter a message to alert buyers to your unique terms.

  4. In the Seller Trade Notification text box, enter your unique terms for sellers.

  5. Click Update.

Set Forward Terms

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Terms Setup

  1. In the Forward Terms tab, select Active.

  2. In the Buyer Trade Notification text box, enter a message to alert buyers to your unique terms.

  3. In the Seller Trade Notification text box, enter your unique terms for sellers.

  4. Click Update.

Product Class Setup overview

Product Class Setup lets you select, by product family class, the products that you want to offer for sale through the DTN Exchange. If a product class is not selected here, it doesn’t display on DTN Exchange screens and you won’t be able to create offers on products from that product class.

You can authorize a product class by selecting it through the Product Class Setup screen and clicking the “Update” button.

You can also use the screen to de-authorize a product class and remove its products from your DTN Exchange screens.

After you authorize product classes, we recommend you set up terminal groups next from the Setup/Administer > Terminal Groups page.

Product Class Setup tasks

Authorize a Product Class

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Product Class Setup

  1. Click the selection box by the product family class you wish to offer for sale.

  2. Click Update.

De-authorize a Product Class

Location:  Seller  >  Setup/Administer  >  Product Class Setup

  1. Select the box by the product family class you no longer wish to offer for sale.

  2. Click Update.

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