Seller Tools

Reports overview

The Reports menu provides trade and pricing reports to help you monitor your activity on the DTN Exchange.

  • Trading Report summarizes trades on prompt offers and bids, forward offers and bids, and flex offers and bids.

  • Pricing Report summarizes your DTN Exchange pricing. The report includes each offer you have tendered and its current status, and the terminal, product, market, and pricing associated with the offer.

Reports can be exported to an Excel worksheet for back office application integration or other reporting needs.

Trading Report overview

Trading reports give you information on matched trades and bids for a specific date or range of dates. Reports include Prompt Trades, Forward Trades, and Flex Trades.


The Prompt Trade Report summarizes trades on prompt offers and bids by terminal, product, price, gallons, and buyer. The report can be filtered by a date or range of dates, and by terminal group, terminal, product, and/or buyer, and can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet.


The Forward Trade Report summarizes trades on forward offers and bids by terminal, product, price, gallons, and buyer. The report can be filtered by a date or range of dates, and by terminal group, terminal, product, and/or buyer, and can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet.


The Flex Trade Report summarizes trades on flex offers and bids by terminal, product, price, gallons, and buyer. The report can be filtered by a date or range of dates, and by terminal group, terminal, product, and/or buyer, and can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet.




Prompt Trades interface

Here are the fields in the Prompt Trade report:




Terminal Group Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal group.
Terminal Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal.
Product Use the drop-down menu to select a product.
Buyer Use the drop-down menu to select a buyer.
From/To Use to enter the date or range of dates for which you want to see information.
Trade ID The unique identifying number for the terminal where product was offered for sale.
Terminal The terminal where product was offered for sale.
Buyer The buyer who purchased the offered product.
Product The product offered for sale.
Price The trade price.
Gallons The number of gallons purchased.
Trade Date The date and time that the trade occurred.
Match Type Indicates whether the trade matched as a Market Order, Bid Match, or Seller Accept.
Market Base The market to which the offer price was tied.
Cash Differential The cash differential portion of your price formula.
Margin The profit margin component of your price formula.
Misc Adjustment The miscellaneous adjustment component of your price formula.
Prod Diff The product differential component of your price formula. This is typically an adjustment that enables you to account for differences between classes, grades, etc., of product.
Special Price The special price portion of your price formula.
Special Cost The special cost portion of your price formula.
Tariff/Exchange Rate The tariff/exchange rate portion of your price formula.
Additive The additive portion of your price formula.
Volume Discount The quantity break discount, if any, that was applied based on volume.




Forward Trades interface

Here are the fields in the Forward Trade report:





Terminal Group Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal group.
Terminal Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal.
Product Use the drop-down menu to select a product.
Buyer Use the drop-down menu to select a buyer.
From/To Use to select the date or range of dates for which you want to see information.
ID The unique identifying number for the terminal where product was offered for sale.
Buyer The buyer who purchased the offered product.
Terminal The terminal where product was offered for sale.
Product The product offered for sale.
Trade Date The date and time that the trade occurred.
Trade Price The price at which the trade occurred.
Market Contract The market to which the price was tied.
Total Quantity The number of gallons purchased for the entire forward contract.
Month/Vol/Offer The month of the forward offer, the volume purchased for the month, and the offer price per gallon for the month.



Run a Trade Report

Location:  Seller  >  Reports  >  Trading Report  >  Prompt Trades or Forward Trades or Flex Trades

  1. In the Trading Report screen, click the corresponding tab for the report you’d like to view.

  2. Use the drop-down menus to filter Terminal Group, Terminal, Product, and/or Buyer.

  3. Enter a From and To date.

  4. Click Go.



Export a Trade Report

Location:  Seller  >  Reports  >  Trading Report  >  Prompt Trades or Forward Trades or Flex Trades

  1. In the Trading Report screen, create the report by setting filters and selecting Go.

  2. Click Export.

  3. A File Download confirmation box appears. Click an option as follows:

  • Open to generate and open an Excel worksheet.

  • Save to generate and save an Excel worksheet.

  • Cancel to cancel the export action.

  1. If you select Save, a Save As window appears. Enter a name for the file and the location where you want to save the file. Click Save.

  2. Click Open to view the file.



Cancel a Trade

Location:  Seller  >  Reports  >  Trading Report  >  Prompt Trades or Forward Trades or Flex Trades


Note:  Only sellers authorized to cancel trades may perform this procedure.

CAUTION:  A cancelation cannot be reversed. If TABS integration is enabled, the cancelation removes the trade’s volume from the buyer’s DTN Exchange allocation. TABS integration contracts that have already been reconciled cannot be canceled.

  1. For the corresponding Trading report, select filters and click Go.

  2. Click Cancel for the trade to be canceled. The Cancel Contract box appears.

  3. Verify the information.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Yes. The trade is canceled and a notification is sent to the buyer.


Pricing Report overview

The Pricing Report summarizes your DTN Exchange pricing. The report includes each offer you have tendered and its current status, and the terminal, product, market, and pricing associated with the offer. You can filter the information by terminal group, terminal, product class, and product. This information can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet.




Pricing Report interface

Here are the fields in the Pricing Report:




Terminal Group Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal group.
Terminal Use the drop-down menu to select a terminal.
Product Use the drop-down menu to select a product.
Buyer Use the drop-down menu to select a buyer.
Terminal The terminal where the product price is available.
Product The product associated with the pricing.
Market The market based to which the pricing is tied.
Root Symbol The trading symbol associated to the root contract for the market base.
Status The status of the offer. Options are active, inactive, and suspended.
Group Level Adj Lists the pricing adjustments that have been applied on a group of terminals.
Cash Diff The cash differential for the product as you have defined it through Group Pricing.
Marg Profit margin. This field lists the dollar amount per gallon that you want to ensure a profit. Set through Group Pricing.
Misc Adj Miscellaneous adjustment. You can adjust for any miscellaneous charges associated with your offer by entering a dollar amount per gallon as either an increase or decrease to the price for the basis product. Set through Group Pricing.
Prod Diff An adjustment applied to a differential product to account for grade or class. Set through Group Pricing.
Location Level Adj Lists the pricing adjustments that have been applied on an individual location level.
Tariff Exch Diff An adjustment for the cost to transport product through a pipeline to the terminal. Set through Tariff/Additive Costs.
Additive An adjustment for the cost of additives, such as lubricants and detergents. Set through Tariff/Additive Costs.
Spec Price A special price adjustment. Set through Special Pricing.
Spec Cost A special cost adjustment. Set through Special Pricing.
Location Diff The sum of the Group Level Adjustment and the Location Level Adjustment.
Market Base The market base on which the product price is based.
Offer Price The sum of the Total Margin plus the Market Base.
Disc1 The order quantity discount that applies to the first quantity range.
Disc2 The order quantity discount that applies to the second quantity range.
Disc3 The order quantity discount that applies to the third quantity range.




Pricing Report tasks

Run a Pricing Report

Location:  Seller  >  Reports  >  Pricing Report  

  1. In the Pricing Report screen, use the drop-down menus to select a Terminal Group, Terminal, Product Class, and/or Product.

  2. Click Go.



Export a Pricing Report

Location:  Seller  >  Reports  >  Pricing Report  

  1. In the Pricing Report screen, create the report by setting filters and selecting Go.

  2. Click Export.

  3. A File Download confirmation box appears. Click an option as follows:

  • Open to generate and open an Excel worksheet.

  • Save to generate and save an Excel worksheet.

  • Cancel to cancel the export action.

  1. If you select Save, a Save As window appears. Enter a name for the file and the location where you want to save the file. Click Save.

  2. Click Open to view the file.



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