
The User Manager page enables you to modify the settings for your account such as:

  • Managing the different users with your DTN Exchange system.

  • Changing your password.

  • Updating your contact information.

  • Viewing the different system roles you’re assigned.

DTN Exchange Administrators are able to add new users and set up user permissions from the User Manager page.

Available User Roles and Roles fields

The Available User Role field lists the roles you do not have while the Roles field lists the roles you currently have.

The appropriate roles are assigned to you by the DTN Support Personnel when setting up your account.

  It is highly recommended that the roles are not changed and should remain as they have been set up in DTN Exchange. If you start to modify the roles, the functionality may be removed from DTN Exchange. If you would like to make changes to your roles, please contact the DTN Support Personnel.

Change your Password

Location:  Setup  >  User Manager  

Here’s how to change your password:

  1. From the User Manager page, scroll down in the Users field and select your 1.name from the list.


  3. Enter the new password in the New Password field.

  4. Re-enter the new password in the Re-enter New Password field.

  5. Enter your name and email address information in the Contact Information section.

  6. Click SAVE.

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